
Creating opportunities that enable people to discover, celebrate and share Hampshire’s diverse stories.

Sparking curiosity and interest in Hampshire’s heritage by shining a light on hidden history.

Hampshire History Trust is a voluntary organisation committed to community participation in history and heritage. We believe that sharing stories from our history and heritage enriches all our lives. Stories connect people, inspire curiosity, create meaning and bring enjoyment.

How We Do This

Hampshire HistBites podcast

Winchester Heritage Open Days

Free heritage films

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

“One of the Best”

It was a lovely day, one of the best “Public ” events we have been to this year

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


92% of visitors find our online content “engaging, informative
and entertaining”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Best Yet!”

I didn’t think you’d possibly be able to improve on last year’s, but you surpassed it spectacularly!

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Superbly organised with a marvellous selection of talks, tours and displays on offer.

Hampshire History Trust

Charity registration number: 1191377

Registered Address:

42-43 East Stratton 
SO21 3DT